Raise A Glass

I know I haven’t been very active on this blog section of our site, sometimes it’s a matter of the mood striking or that we are busy with other facets of our business. In this case I thought it was important to reflect on our journey with the eve of our second anniversary upon us. I have always admired small business owners, throwing caution to the wind and investing in their own ideas, believing in their dream and their product. My admiration for entrepreneurship started early in my life, my mother has owned her own healthcare marketing firm for over 30 years. As a child, teachers would often ask students what their parents did for a living, and I was usually one of the only kids whose parents owned their own businesses and almost certainly the only one whose mother was a business owner. It was an immense source of pride for me growing up, knowing what my mother did was special, and I knew early on that I wanted to follow in her footsteps.

I may be painting a rosy picture here, but in reality business ownership is never an easy course to take. Over the years I have witnessed all of my mother’s incredibly long hours, financial struggles, future uncertainties, but also incredible triumphs. Never once did she waver, never once did she decide this dream was too difficult to achieve. She always knew the ends would justify the means, and with that drive and determination that has been true. Her company means everything to her, it is the summation of her life’s work, and a declaration to everyone who never believed in her or thought a single mom could have a successful business. When we celebrate our second anniversary this weekend, in a room full of friends and family, we will raise a glass and toast not just our success but for those that have sacrificed for us and inspired us along the way. This one’s for you mom, cheers.


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